Out team
JUDr. Karel Střelec born 1949
Graduated from UJEP Faculty of Law in Brno, diploma thesis dealing with methods and forms of public government. In 1991 obtained JUDr. degree, after having passed the final state exam in the field of commercial law. From 1991 practised as an in-house lawyer, then an independent commercial lawyer, and in 1996 entered the Czech Bar Association.
JUDr. Karel Střelec, Ph.D. born 1978
In 2002 graduated from Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno, and started his practice as junior lawyer. Advocate from 2005. In 2003 passed a doctorate exam at Faculty of Law in Private International Law. This year he was also granted a MATRA scholarship by Netherlands government for participation at the Hague Academy of International Law. In 2006 finished Ph.D. studies at Faculty of Law in Brno with a disertation in the field of International Commercial Law. Mr. Strelec is nowadays, apart from his advocate practice, an external teacher of Private International Law and International Commercial Law at the Department od International and European Law of Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno. In 2006 he was appointed by the Dean of the Faculty a member of the examining board for final state exams in bachelor´s and master´s studies.