JUDr. Karel Střelec, Ph.D.
Lex Mercatoria and international commercial law (EMP č. 1-2/2002 – in Czech)
Relationship between UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Principles of European Contract Law (Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi, č. 3/2003- in Czech)
Contract drafting and unforeseeable events in international commerce (Obchodní právo č. 7-8/2003 - in Czech)
Consolidation of lex mercatoria through Internet (Cyberspace 2003, MU Brno)
Who is bound by an arbitration agreement – group of contracts and group of companies theory (Contribution at conference of doctoral students of Private International Law and European Law, MU Brno, 2004 – in Czech)
UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Lex Mercatoria and the courage to apply (together with N. Rozehnalová; Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi, č. 1/2004 – in Czech)
Recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award set aside in the country of origine. (Bulletin Advokacie č. 3/2004 – in Czech)
International commercial transactions (together with N. Rozehnalová, D. Sehnálek and J. Valdhans; MU Brno, 2004 – in Czech)
Rome Convention on the Law Applicable to the Contractual Obligations and international commercial arbitration (Contribution at conference of doctoral students of Private International Law and European Law, UP Olomouc, 2005 – in Czech)
Arbitration bodies from the point of view of legal theory and practice (Obchodní právo č. 4/2006 – in Czech)
Place of performance of the contract as a criterion of international jurisdiction in Regulation 2001/44 (ES) – selected problems of interpretation (Conference PFAMEI 2007, MU Brno)
Securing the efficiency of international commercial obligations fulfilment by avoiding the state institutions (Contribution at international conference INCREASING COMPETITIVENESS or Regional, National and International Markets Development - New Challenges, Ostrava, 2007 – in Czech).